Dec 17, 2011

Happy new Year 2013

Happy New Year 2013   Happy New Year 2013 Happy New Year 2013 Happy New Year 2013 Happy New Year 2013 Happy New Year 2013 Happy New Year 2013 Happy New Year 2013 Happy New Year 2013 Happy New Year 2013 Happy New Year 2013 Happy New Year 2013 Happy New Year 2013 Happy New Year 2013 Happy New Year 2013 Happy New Year 2013 Happy New Year 2013 Happy New Year 2013
Bring to You all Happiest and good Luck !!!!!!
Happy New Year 2013
Happy New Year 2013

I wish you and your family and friends’ health, happiness, prosperity.... on the Occasion of charismas
From home to home and heart to heart,
From one place to another,
The warmth and joy of Christmas,
Brings us closer to each other.


Trek and tour operator all over Nepal (since 1997)
Tel: 00977-9846139572
Click More Information 

May 29, 2011

bhakti guide

Freelance Trekking guide recomandation by Ling

(lailing yeong E-mail-

分享] 尼泊尔 trekking guide 推荐 - Annarpurna Circuit Trek 完成 :)

从“心”出发 。 寻找我的香格里拉。 摘自一本旅游书。。。根据考古学家的推测,亿万年前的喜玛拉雅山脉是在海底的,可现在它却是世界的屋脊。亿万年,喜玛拉雅山用了亿万年的时间摆脱黑暗,而我正走在亿万年前的海洋深处,迎接太阳。 徒步。。。一步一步走向Annapurna 群山,攀越thorung la 5,416m。再上Poon Hill 3,210m。一天一天用双脚感觉距离,走上高度。。步上云端。一个靠近天堂的地方。


111111 至 031211。。17天16夜。。在尼泊尔的三个星期在一个很棒的向导带领下我们完成整个ACT路线。一直以来都是在FB看到他online。终于在 kathmandu的guest hourse 门前见到他本人了。他给我第一印象是高高瘦瘦的,应该是经常徒步的关系。五官轮廓深,浓眉大眼,可以讲流利的美式英语。笑起来有一排洁白的牙齿(可以拍牙膏广告liao)哗卡卡。。。看起来蛮帅的。后来拍的照片证明他是很上镜的。。 他的名字是Bhakti Devkota 他33岁,已是两个孩子的爸爸了。 他率直热情友善,是个很容易相处的人。每天晚餐时间都会check with我们是否有不适和接下来的行程。在上thorung la pass的时候,我和我妹走得慢,他都很有耐性的跟在后面,还主动的帮我妹背背包。不然我们早就走到死翘翘了。 他蛮聪明的。记得在Tukuche的那一晚,我们教他玩UNO game, 很快他就学会了。我们的笑声差点要把整个guest house都反转。最开心的就是在Jomsom的Dhumpa Lake,他把一只很可爱有角的小羊捉到了,让我们四个瓜疯狂的拍照。他对山区的鸟类,一草一木都很了解。现在我知道seabuck thorn fruit还没成果汁前是什么味道了。:p 他很照顾porter。那一天在manang听他讲起porter的辛酸史。让我对他们更加敬佩。做尼泊尔挑夫不容易,可是这份工却可以让他们赚取可观的收入。每次当我走在他们后面的时候,他们跨出的每一小步都会提醒我自己更努力地走下去。我们都走在同样的路线,可是他们扛的重量并不是一般人可以承受的。。。 记得那凌晨攀越thorung la pass的时候,Vyanu(其中一个挑夫)有头晕的感觉,Bhakti就赶快把两个大背包往身上扛当起挑夫来了。而Vyanu就跟在我们后头顾着我们。所以在山区挑夫的安全是一个引人关注的课题。

Bhakti 和两位挑夫



ACT 不容易走。。更何况要攀越 5416m 的 Thorung La。

我们还sot到去摇那颗树, 尝试制造落叶纷飞的感觉。。。结果。。笑果十足

Ling Yeong and her friends (Malaysia) recommendation for Bhakti Devkota

14•11•11 - 30•11•11 - Annarpurna circuit trek

You like a star in the dark sky. Showing people direction, guidance people to their destination. Bringing people to see the beauty side of Nepal. You doing a great job for you country! keep it up black tea!!

I always feel your job is interesting. really! You can meet with different people from all around the world, that's why you can speak english fluently. You're brave to fight with unpredictable weather which is out of your control to make sure your guest is safe. I still remember when the time me and my sister struggling to cross over the thorung la pass, the altitude and frozen cool weather really killing our spirit, while you're supportive. I see the strength and determination from your eyes which is helping us to cross over it. :) You're so close with the mother nature and the famous and highest mountain in the world. We all stay in the city too long, whatever we see and touch it just all the building, office or shopping mall. At Nepal i only know how blue is the blue sky, how starry is the starry night, how green is the green grass, how high is the mountain, Gangapurna glacier, Dhaulagiri Icefall and the amazing water fall. It's just took my breath away.

17 days 16 nights... We're glad that under your leading to complete this long journey. Thanks to our two porter Vyanu and Yubraj. They are just sincere and helpful. If portering were on Olympic endurance weight lifting event, the Nepali porter would win all the medals!!! You do take care of the porter a lot too. You not just act as a guide, we mix well and have fun during the whole trek. Threw ice to each other crazily after cross the pass. Chasing the baby goat at Dhumba lake for us to shot photo madly. We teach you playing Jenga(wood block game) at Marpha. Fighting with the strong winds on the way to Tukuche and playing UNO game laughing non-stop at night. You learn the game very fast too :) You're knowledgeable about plants and bird life. Now we know how was the seabuck thorn fruit looks like. :) And you saved my life in Muktinath. Thanks black tea! :)

Thank you your caring and guidance all the way. We really appreciate it. And the sweetest smiling from Nepali people. It's just a memorable journey for us. We miss you. I would like to recommend Bhakti Ram Devkota to who ever plan a trip to Nepal. Let this mountain boy use his way to bring you see the world. :)
His contact address
Trek and tour operator all over Nepal
recommendation by Yan Ting Kum (e-mail- )


一個人遊尼泊爾,選擇了一個較奢侈的方式 ﹣僱用導遊。事實上,市面上的尼泊爾「旅遊團」都不是我們認知的那一種旅行團,而只是由旅行社代為處理機票、酒店,然後幫你在當地僱用導遊。換言之,自行聘請導遊也可以做到同樣效果。當然,我也只僱用過一個導遊(當然有觀察過其他導遊),不可能做一個詳細客觀的比較研究,不過這經驗還是值得分享的。

我是從 Google 的搜尋器找出導遊 Bhakti Devkota這名字,網上有不少對他的好評,加上他有英文網誌,網誌上有不少有用資訊,搏得我不少好感。對我來說,英語程度極為重要,否則在尼泊爾會變得「無依無靠」。看過論壇上其他導遊的英文電郵對話,完全是理解不能。寫已是如此,講定必好不到哪裡。事實上,尼泊爾人的英文有很重的口音,如果基本文法不好,根本溝通,雞同鴨講,然後墮入綿密的沉默中。

Bhakti 的英文亦一如電郵裡的好,而口音比想像中的輕。我遇到英文好的的尼泊爾人只有三個,Bhakti 是其中一個。要僱用導遊,不妨在旅行前三個月左右發電郵找導遊,而英文程度是重要的條件。有一個英文好的導遊能夠帶來另一個好處。如果在景點介紹員的英文不好,至少你可以找導遊由尼泊爾式英文翻譯成可以理解的英文,或者替你發問。

Trekking 是尼泊爾最受歡迎的活動,而Trekking 短至四日,長至四十多天(可能有更長的),而尼泊爾的山上沒有任何 Wifi 或流動網絡,因此如果導遊上山了,他們就無法回覆電郵。如果你有意僱用導遊,最好在兩至三個月前就嘗試聯絡,而即使對方不回應你,也不妨多等一星期(最短的 Trekking 行程),如果還是不回應,你還有時間找尋另一個導遊。

導遊回覆的態度很重要。據說導遊會同時與多個客人聯絡,所以你隨時會被「放鴿子」。如果導遊在電郵上的態度閃爍其詞,用字不肯定,那實在防人之心不可無。另一方面,怎樣也不要太放心,做一些緊急計劃以防對方在出發前數天放鴿子,甚至在你到埗後放鴿子。其實尼泊爾當地到處都是 Travel Agent,要找導遊不難,不過質素欠保證,價錢亦會較貴。我覺得 Bhakti 是一個挺有誠信的導遊,至少我知道他因為我先約定他而放棄另一個旅行團(我付的錢肯定不夠那個團的多),而他在十多天的行程中亦照顧得我很妥當。


Bhakti 的專長是 Trekking,而城市的導遊服務就屬合格水平。仔細一點說,他居住在 Pokhara,所以在那邊的導遊工作是出色的,而 Kathmandu 、Chitwan 方面則普通,不過他還是很用心的講。探知導遊擅長的範疇也很重要,如果你想很仔細地遊覽城市,則要在電郵裡多探知對方在這方面的知識。順帶一提, Bhakti 在 Trekking 時的安排(尤其是酒店方面)很妥貼,完全滿意。

另一方面,我在尼泊爾見過不少本地的導遊,發現他們的服務風格與香港的導遊有很大分別。我參加過的香港旅行團,導遊不機械式的不停不停講,將所以他所知的東西都擠到我細小的腦袋裡,而尼泊爾的導遊似乎不那麼 Talkative,而 Q&A 的部分比較多,你要多問他們才會多答。我很害怕 Talkative的人,所以我對這種風格是很接受的,但如果你是接受資訊爆炸式的,大概你會失望。





三、請導遊去旅行﹖在報價裡,你也要決定是否要導遊與你一起參與活動,例如我就在 Rafting 中付了Bhakti 的一份,與他一起玩。如果你不願意,要在報價時及早提出。不過,如果要與一個導遊融洽相處十多天,為什麼不慷概一點﹖再者,在尼泊爾的景點、活動對本地人的收費是遠較旅客平宜的(可以差十倍之多!),所以那份慷概也傷不了你荷包。

四、付款方法:我不太清楚其他導遊的付款方法。Bhakti Devkota 並沒有要求我交任何 Deposit,而在十多天的旅程中他亦沒有催我先付大額旅費,反而是他在酒店、交通的墊支成份較多,這種安排令我放心。避免爭吵,也最好事先與導遊溝通好。


一、交通時間:有一些城市較偏遠,但景點不多,在收到導遊的行程時要問清楚交通時間,以免失望。以Lumbini 為例,要由 Chitwan到那裡要數小時,然後由 Lumbini 到 Pokhara 又要近十小時,但那裡有的景點只有一個-釋家牟尼的出生地。那聯合國世界文化遺產很值得去(尤其對佛教徒而言),但至於你願不願意花那麼多時間去Lumbini就是另一個問題了!

二、Trekking安排:要清楚向你的導遊交代自己遠足的經驗及身體狀況,讓他為你設計適合的 Trekking 行程。


相信尼泊爾的導遊多如天上繁星,要挑選好的並不容易。寫了那麼多,其實重點只有是英文與誠意兩個。及早以電郵跟導遊多作溝通,這測試是篩選的重要步驟,不可馬虎。整體而言,我是推薦Bhakti Devkota 的,他的聯絡方法如下:

Trek and tour operator all over Nepal


Namaste from Pokhara, Nepal! I\'ve been a licensed trekking guide since 1997. I\'ve done guide training provided by Nepal Government Ministry of Tourism, Hotel management & Tourism training center. The training course includes full knowledge about the himalayas, first aid, AMS, and many more. My trekking experience includes trekking in Anapurna, Everest, Langtang, Upper Mustang, Manasalu, Makalu, Mardi Himal, and most of Nepali mountains. I\'ve been with tourists from the United Kingdom, the U.S, Australia, Japan, Korea, Russia, Germany, Austria, France, Spain, Italy, China, Hong Kang, Singapore, Taiwan, Canada, and many other nations. I really enjoy trekking, especially I get a sense of achievement when I look at the traveler/s that I am guiding and I can just see that I\'ve done my job, very well too. When the traveler/s is in a bad condition, such as feeling altitude sickness, i know right away and i know what to do. I also know what to do at unpredictable situations and weather. I can plan itinery for you if you don\'t have one already. I can meet you anywhere in Nepal, such as Kathmandu, Pokhara, etc.

Apr 13, 2011

Nepal Trekking guide Recommendation

Martin Naylor from UK wrote in 2010:

My name is Martin Naylor and I am from England. My e mail is I have trekked 11 times in Nepal since 2001 and on 9 of my trips I have trekked with Bhakti Devkota. He is without doubt the best guide I have ever met in Nepal. He is honest, hardworking and professional with a happy personality. We have trekked together to ABC, Annapurna Circuit, Jomosom trek, Everest area etc.I can honestly say that I cannot imagine ever coming to Nepal and not trekking with Bhakti. He is essential to all my trips. My most recent trip with Bhakti was to Kala Pattar in the Everest region in November/December 2009. Bhakti arranged all the transport including flights from Lukla, Trekking permits and TIMS Card, hotel bookings in Kathmandu etc. As ususal everything went well and we all had a great time.It is so good to be able to rely on someone like Bhakti to manage all the arrangements and know that everything will be done properly.

I am a bird watcher and Bhakti's knowledge of the animals and birds of Nepal is excellent. He can point out so many interesting things on the trek and this makes it all the more rewarding.

Martin J Naylor

Recommendation by Sharon law (

hi Our trekking team (The Guide- Mr. BHAKTI DEVKOTA, The porter, Mr. Hom & Mr. Mama, 4 people of us from HK)

I found Mr. Bhakti's contact from this forum and contacted him for discussion of our plan through the long long emails. I've also contacted several other guides but finally i chose him. I think his cost is reasonable and his plan and offer are very clear and suitable for us.

Since our flight was delayed for 4 hrs, we arrived at the airport at Kathmandu at midnight. However, the first guy we met after going out from the airport was Mr. Bahkti. He should wait for us for a long time at the airport.

During the trekking days, he and his team were professional and could take care of everyone of us. He could explain the route and plan to us in details everyday. If we got anything to ask about Nepal's culture, food, sightseeing etc. he could reply sincerely. He like to play with us but not just act as a guide, he palyed Nepalese music to us and dance with us when having dinner. It was really a memorable time during our trip.

After the trekking trip, we stayed in Pokhara, we just like frineds chatting and we visited his home. On the day we left, he and his son arrange the transport and come to the hotel to say "goodbye" to us. We really miss him and his team after the trip.

Mr. Bhakti (Black tea , he is professional & helpful, he always say " I'll manage it")

Mr. Hom (see his charming smile!!)

Mr. Bhakti & Mr.Mama (we had a very nice time with the team!!)
Mr. Bhakti Ram Devkota
Tel.: +977-9846139572
回复 18# kfko

我们一行4人往poon hill 6日5夜的行程,都是请Mr. Bhakti做我们的guide ,他和他两位porter, Mr. Hom and Mr. Mama 都非常专业,行程、住宿和膳食都安排妥当,而最后一天,旅程将完结时,他的团队更和我们一起玩尼泊尔的音乐和跳舞,而沿途他亦很照顾到我们每一个人。极力推荐!! 照片后补。

Recommendation by Janice


剛由尼泊爾trekking 回來~

之前在這裡找了不少guide 的資料 麻煩的選了差不多10個

每個也傳email 先作聯絡 我的想法是 以email 聊一聊 看看各嚮導的回覆 才決定要選誰

其他的不是不好 可是不是回覆得比較慢就是英交不太靈光(我看不懂他們的回覆電郵內容呢!) 耍不然 就是價錢貴得驚人..

Bhatki回覆得很快 英文很好 而且很有交待得很清楚 行程安排也十分詳細價錢也合理 。

這次我用了9天完成了ABC trek, 除了Bhatki外,還有兩名porters : Mr.Hom 及 Bisheno
Bhatki的弟弟,才27歲,蠻帥呢)。他們都很好呢。我們這些辦公室人士,不常運動卻去健行,途中經常遇上力有不及、步行困的情況(特別是MBC及ABC 的雪山段) ,Mr.Hom 及 Bisheno都很好,經常照顧我們,更多時間是特意夜慢腳步,讓我們走在前面,他們在最後面作支援。後期大家熟稔起來,更會在休息時間主動手豆我們玩耍。唯一美中不足的是,他們的英文不太好,要聊天都要依靠Bhatki


Bhatki、Mr.Hom 及 Bisheno的團隊

By :- JAnice

剛由尼泊爾trekking 回來~
之前在這裡找了不少guide 的資料 麻煩的我選了差不多10個
每個也傳email 先作聯絡 我的想法是 以email 聊一聊 看看各嚮導的回覆 才決定要選誰
結果最後我選了Bhatki 其他的不是回覆得比較慢 就是英交不太靈光(我看不懂他們的回覆電郵內容呢喃!) 耍不然 就是價錢貴得驚人..
Bhatki 回覆得很快 英文很好 而且很有交待得很清楚 行程安排也十分詳細 價錢也合理 。

這次我用了9天完成了ABC trek, 除了Bhatki 外,還有兩名porters : Mr.Hom 及 Bisheno (Bhatki的弟弟,才27歲,蠻帥呢)。他們都很好呢。我們這些辦公室人士,不常運動卻去健行,途中經常遇上力有不及、步行困難的情況(特別是MBC 及ABC 的雪山段) ,Mr.Hom 及 Bisheno都很好,經常照顧我們,更多時間是特意夜慢腳步,讓我們走在前面,他們在最後面作支援。後期大家熟稔起來,更會在休息時間主動手豆我們玩 耍。唯一美中不足的是,他們的英文不太好,要聊天都要依靠Bhatki 翻譯,Bisheno也比較慢熱,相處了4天才開始熟起來。不過,作為porter的話,他們的表現是有過之而無不及。
原文載於: 背包客棧自助旅行論壇

至於Bhatki,網上也有好些對他的讚賞,他給我感覺是很真誠,整個旅程都很盡責,每事也安排妥當﹔人很細心謹慎,經常留意到客人需要,每事也三思而後 行;態度誠懇,他會言明利益衝突,讓我們自行衡量。我們相處了10多天,他很熱情,彼此建立了朋友般的關係,如果有機會再去尼泊爾健行的話,他必須是我的 首選。

Bhatki、Mr.Hom 及 Bisheno的團隊 專業是毋庸置疑,請大家也多多支持他呢.

Koen Dongelmans recommendation for Bhakti Devkota

Recommendation for BHAKTI RAM DEVKOTA ( easy to remember you can tell "BLACK TEA") In January 2011 I met mister BHAKTI in the trekking office in Pokhara the evening before we were supposed to leave for a hike to Annapurna Base camp. Mainly for the reason that i’d be walking for ten days with someone i didn't know, I wanted to meet my guide in advance. Mr BHAKTI showed up right on time, and from the moment I saw him, I knew we’d be all right! I met some other ‘guides’, but none of them gave me a comfortable feeling. BHAKTI did immediately. BHAKTI turned out to be a great choice. He is a very warm, respectful but at the same time respectable man, with a lot of knowledge of the environment and the especially the bird life, which is great for a ‘free bird’ like me ;) I especially liked the fact that everything was discussable, like the fact that I really wanted to carry my own bags, even though he was more than willing to take that load of my shoulders. Same for the places we stayed, or the ammount of hours we walked. He’d give advice on the conditions of the ongoing track and if it was reasonable or safe to continue walking. Still though, most of all, BHAKTI turned out to be a good friend, when we returned in Pokhara. We had some great nights out, he made dinner (Dal Bath of course J) for me with his friends and ‘baba’. When I rented a motorcycle a couple of days later, i drove into BHAKTI DAI, and he even volunteerd to show me the way around Pokhara and up to Sarangkot. I would have never found it on my own!! For my great time in Pokhara and to ABC I owe BHAKTI big time, and I would like to thank him for his kindness, respect, hard work, but most of all, his friendship! I would seriously like to recommend BHAKTI RAM DEVKOTA to everyone who is planning a trek in Nepal. You can contact him by
telephone --------009779846139572 or
email -------------

Make sure to check out his Nepali website (in English of course :D)

Koen Dongelmans, from Rotterdam, Holland ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Jonathan Deng and his friend Recommendation for Bhakti Devkota,0,0,0.html
<< Trekking Guide/ Porter响導編 >>
登山健行, 雇用响導及Porter不可或缺, 別只貪圖便宜沒經驗的响導, 须知道在山區裡出現任何事故, 你需要一個有能力有智慧的人去幫你周全一切, 我們親歷的個案是在出發第一天, 行到一條吊橋前, 同伴的一雙舊鞋竟破口脫了膠底, 我一看心裡就涼了半截, 咕嘀山區中又怎可能買到一雙可靠的登山鞋, 沒鞋又怎樣走下去未來四天的路, 我們馬上向出發前巳雇來的响導 Bhakti 查問如何, 沒想到他叫我們繼續過橋, 一過橋就馬上在一不起眼的小店內喚來一補鞋匠, 只一顿饭的時間竟把破鞋修繕得非常牢固。事後他說我們走運, 因為山區裡只此一家。

• 通過旅舍訂响導要先付訂金, 但尼泊爾的銀行汇錢難辦得很, 直接聯絡响導本人約定, (如不需別人代買機票, 辦登山證) 一般不收訂金, 只講信義。
• 我們在 forum 各師兄的推介下找到了 Bhakti, 價格US$20 /天, 跟其他的報價水平一樣, 不用收訂金, 我們5人同行, 每人US$4/天, 就這樣敲定了他, Bhakti 生性率真熱情, 愛開玩笑, 我們都不其然地被他感染起來, 每晚飯後檢討一天的行程時却又顯得額外嚴肅, 對山區內的一鳥一木都能如數家珍, 跟他說了數天, 學到不少旅遊書以外的知識,值得推介。
Bhakti Ram Devkota

Tel: 977 – 9846139572

• 請緊記, Porter都是隊伍成員, 除了英語外, 在山區裡他們懂的都比你我多, 主動跟他們談, 你會發覺他們都很熱情友善。
His group friends Ka Yi Yuen,
"" ,
Tammy Cheng , Cheng Tammy , "
Clement \"KW\" Chan"!/media/set/?set=a.10150237626396079.361075.622686078



Welcome to Nepal and Trekking in
Himalaya !!!!!!
This is my main page and just click as blow what you want to see For further information ju
st mail me
my mobile no is 009779846139572
My Trekking guide ID card

My Trekking Guide license

Hope see you in Nepal Himalaya and doing some trekking and we will take some good picture
See you !!!!!!!!!!!

My main page( Trekking in Nepal with Bhakti)

1) My recommendation page 1 (Guest are my Gods)
2) About Nepal and some nice picture
3) My recommendation page 2 (Guest are my Gods)
4) Some school trips
5) About me ( BHAKTI GUIDE & NEPAL)
Trekking info & Equipment Checklist
7)Famous tour in Nepal

Trekking Route in Nepal
Annapurna & Dhaulagiri Trekking
2) Langtang treks
3) Everest Region trek
4) Remote area trek
Tiji Festival Mustang 2011
6) Tiji Festival Mustang 2011 (by












*** FOR MORE DETAIL OR +977-98461-39572***

Most popular tour in Nepal

Most popular tour in Nepal
Tour code :- Bhakptcnp

click this link for vdo

Kathmandu valley is the cultural heritage of Nepal. The three cities of Kathmandu, Patan and Bhaktapur with numerous historical monuments, old palaces and palace squares, shrines and temples, ageless traditions and legends make it a veritable living museum. The Kathmandu Valley boasts seven UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Sites all within a radius of 20 km.

Pokhara is the city famous for the serenity of Phewa lake and the magnificence of the Fish-tail summit of Machachhapuchhre (6977m) rising behind it create an atmosphere of peace and magic. The valley surrounding Pokhara is home to thick forests, gushing rivers, clear lakes and the world famous views of the Himalaya.

The trekking tour will go through rhododendron forest up to Ghorepani. On the way the everyday village life can be witnessed. Early morning going to Poon Hill for the sunrise view of Annapurna range.

Chitwan National Park is one of the finest national parks in Asia, famous for its dense concentration of wildlife such as the rare great one-horned rhinoceros, several species of deer, sloth bear, leopard, wild boar and crocodile, more than 350 species of birds and the elusive Royal Bengal tiger. Chitwan National Park is listed in the UNESCO World Heritage Site (natural) list.

Day by Day itinerates

Day 01, Arrive Kathmandu Tribhuvan International Airport

Arrival to Kathmandu. Meet guide. Transfer to your hotel. Overnight at Hotel. D

Day 02, Kathmandu City Tour-Discover Kathmandu:

After Breakfast, guided visit including Durbar Square, Katmandu temple, the temple of living Goddess (Kumari), Big Bell, temple of Taleju, and continue to Swayambhunath Stupa which is said to be more than 2000 years old, one of the biggest Buddhist Stupa in the world.

After lunch visit the Patan City. See Patan Durbar Square, including Krishna Mandir, Mahaboudha and more. Overnight at hotel.

Day 03, Kathmandu- Pokhara by raft :

Early morning take tourist bus to chaaraudi and rafting in trisuli river for 3 -4 hours rafting and

back to pokhara


By plane and seight seen in pokhara

we have Early morning transfer to Airport for the internal to Pokhara. At arrival, guided tour to Phewa Lake, Tibetan refugee’s camp, Devi's fall (seasonal waterfall). Evening guided tour along Lakeside. Free time for independent dining at one of the many restaurants available in the city.

Direct bus to pokhara

Tonight we have to pack our hiking stuff and the main luggage will stay at the hotel until we are back from the hike.
Overnight at Hotel

Day 04, Pokhara-Thikhedhunga or Ulleri (Experience the Trek):
After Breakfast, we start a two hours scenic drive to northwest of Pokhara to start our trek. This drive gives you spectacular views over the great Himalayas on your right and amazing landscapes on your left. Our hike will start at Nayapool near Birethanti. We will follow Modi River North and cross the river in Birethanti and turn to the left along the Burungdi River till Tikhedunga where we will have lunch after lunch, you will cross the Burundi River and climb to Thikhedunga for overnight stay.
Over night in Lodges.

Day 05, Thikhedunga-Ghorepani:
Early wake up to enjoy your tea or coffee. Today our trek will take us through the green forest to the Ghorepani. Where we will have lunch. Free time for the rest of the day to go around for spectacular view of Mt Dhaulagiri, Niligiri, Annapurna or climb to Poon hill tower to view sunset over the Annapurna Himalayas ranges.
Over night in Lodges.

Day 06, Ghorepani-Ghandrung:
Early start for those wishing to view the spectacular sunrise over Annapurna Himalayas range. Refresh with morning tea or coffee at the top of Poon hill and return to Ghorepani. After breakfast start today’s journey will take us East through the forest and meadowland. You will see the giant Annapurna on your left and green forests on your right. We will have lunch in the forest and then head to Ghandrung while enjoying close view over the Annapurna South.
Over night in Lodges.

Day 07, Ghandrung – Pokhara:

Early departure to Nayapul. We will have a downhill for an hour to Modi River and travel through paddy rice field to Birethanti. Take a ride to Pokhara from Nayapul.
Over night in Pokhara in your Hotel.

Day 8 Relax and free

Free day in pokhara (boating and sleight seen in pokhara)

Day 9, Pokhara - Chitwan

Early morning deaputure to Chitwan by bus Lunch upon arrival, Village Tour and unset view from beach of Rapti river, Dinner at the hotel.

Day 10, Jungle activities

Jungle walks after early morning Tea/Coffee. After breakfast: Canoeing and Trip to Elephant breeding center; after lunch, Elephant ride. Evening: Cultural program and Dinner around the camp firing.

Day 11 , Drive to Kathmandu

Bird Watching after early morning tea/coffee.8.00 AM: Breakfast 9.00 AM: departure to Kathmandu and over night in Kathmandu hotel

Day 12, free for Nepal shopping

Day 13, Final departure from Tribhuvan International Airport

Trip cost in US dollar

Kathmandu pokhara by Ac bus 1 ppl $600--------2 ppl $1050

Kathmandu Pokhara by rafting 1 ppl $700--------2 ppl $1150

Kathmandu pokhara by plane and seight seen 1ppl $850----- 2ppl $1300

Note :- if you have more then 2 ppl price will be cheap for further information please contact by email ----- by phone -----00977-98461-39572


  • · All Airport / hotel / pick up & drop by private Car / Van.
  • · Accommodation with breakfast at Tibet Guest house in Kathmandu.
  • · 2 nights' accommodation at two star category hotel in Pokhara (inclusive of Government taxes, breakfast).
  • · Kathmandu city tour as per the above itinerary.
  • · Meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) with Tea & coffee during our Poon Hill Trek.
  • · Lodge to lodge accommodation during the trek.
  • · 1 highly experienced, helpful and friendly Guide, porters (1 porter for 2 people), their food, accommodation, salary, equipments, insurance.
  • · Surface Transfer from Kathmandu - Pokhara - Kathmandu by tourist bus for solo trip and by pravite car if there are more then one clients.
  • · Annapurna conservation permit.
  • · Trekkers' Information Management System (TIMS) Permit.
  • · Government taxes and official Service charge.


  • · Lunch and Dinner in Kathmandu and Pokhara
  • · Your Travel insurance.
  • · International airfare and airport departure tax.
  • · Nepal entry visa, you can obtain a visa easily upon your arrival at Tribhuwan International Airport in Kathmandu. (Tourist Visa with Multiple Entry for 30 days can be obtained by paying US $ 40 or equivalent foreign currency. Similarly, Tourist Visa with Multiple Entry for 90 days can be obtained by paying US $ 100. Please bring 2 copies of passport size photos.).
  • · All kind of cold drink like alcoholic and mineral water, Coke, Fanta, Juice etc.
  • · Personal shopping and laundry etc.
  • · Personal trekking Equipments.
  • · Tips for trekking staff and driver.

Some related picture of this trips

Kathmandu - chitwan - pokhara tour

Tour code :- bhakcp

Nepal, the land of splendid nature and rich culture is waiting for you exploration through its different facets. Explore Nepal tour gives you an opportunity to explore three different regions of the country, varying from the cultural hub teemed with fascinating ancient building like Kathmandu, the breathtaking scenery of Annapurna Range like Pokhara, and the vast, fertile forest like Chitwan National Park in Terai region. This remarkable trip will make you realize that Nepal has much to offer.

The Chitwan has had a long history of conservation. For many years it was the Royal hunting grounds for the Kings and dignitaries of Nepal and therefore was not hunted by the general public. It did however become a favorite spot for big game safari hunters in the late nineteenth and early to mid-twentieth centuries. This was coupled with a surge in local human populations following the development of anti-malaria medicines in the mid-twentieth century. The long-term effect was a drastic decrease in jungle habitat and animal populations in the Chitwan valley as jungles were converted to farmland and big game were hunted and poached to dangerously low numbers.

Day 1: Kathmandu

Arrival to Kathmandu and transfer to the Hotel

Day 2: Kathmandu

After breakfast proceed for city tour of Kathmandu visiting Durbar square complex of palaces, courtyard and temples, built between the 12th and 18th centuries use to be the seat of the ancient Malla kings of Kathmandu. In the afternoon visit the Swoyambunath sputa and Patan City. Swoyambhunath Stupa, atop the hillock is one of the holiest Buddhist sites in Nepal enlisted in the World Heritage Site. Patan City is an enchanting melange of palace buildings, artistic courtyard and former place complex. One remarkable monument here is a 16th century temple dedicated to the Hindu God Lord Krishna, built entirely of stone.

Day 3: Kathmandu - Chitwan

After breakfast drive to Chitwan and check in upon arrival. Lunch will be served at the resort/lodge. In the afternoon proceed for a tour to Tharu Village and witness the Tharu Cultural Performance.

Day 4: Chitwan

After breakfast, your adventure holiday starts off with canoeing in the Rapti River where you can see Gharial and then, a visit to the Elephant breeding centre. After Lunch proceeds to the jungle for a guided safari on Elephant where you are free to see animals such as rhino, antelope and other wildlife as you move through the jungle.

Day 5: Chitwan - Pokhara

After breakfast takes a quick tour of Bird watching after which we drive to Pokhara. Pokhara is a place of remarkable natural beauty. The serenity of Phewa Lake and the magnificence of the Fishtail Peak rising behind it create an ambiance of peace and tranquility. Pokhara is a perfect place to see the panoramic view of Himalayan region including Annapurna and Dhaulagiri.

Day 6: Pokhara

Sightseeing in Pokhara city. Wake up early to watch the sunrise over the Annupurna range. The Pokhara Valley one of the most picturesque spot of Nepal is enchanted by its lovely lakes Phewa, Situated at an altitude of 827 meter from the sea-level, Pokhara offers the magnificent views of Dhaulagiri, Manaslu, Machhapuchhre, five peaks of Annapurna and hike experience 4 to 5 hours in Naudanda and back to hotel

Day 7: Pokhara - Kathmandu

Pokhara to Kathmandu by fly or by land

If we go by flight we will be there early so we do some activities in Kathmandu: - visit Pasupati nath and Boudhanath.

Pashupatinath Temple is situated 5 km east of Kathmandu, the temple of Lord Shiva; Pathupatinath with two tired golden roof and silver doors is considered one of the holiest shrines of Hindus.

The stupa of Boudhanath is situated 8kms east of Kathmandu. This ancient stupa is one of the biggest in the world and the center of Buddhism in the world. It was listed in the UNESCO Heritage Monument in 1979.

Day 8: Kathmandu

Free for shopping and personal activities till departure time. Transfer to the airport according to your departure time for the next destination.

some related picture of the trips