Martin Naylor from UK wrote in 2010:
My name is Martin Naylor and I am from England. My e mail is I have trekked 11 times in Nepal since 2001 and on 9 of my trips I have trekked with Bhakti Devkota. He is without doubt the best guide I have ever met in Nepal. He is honest, hardworking and professional with a happy personality. We have trekked together to ABC, Annapurna Circuit, Jomosom trek, Everest area etc.I can honestly say that I cannot imagine ever coming to Nepal and not trekking with Bhakti. He is essential to all my trips. My most recent trip with Bhakti was to Kala Pattar in the Everest region in November/December 2009. Bhakti arranged all the transport including flights from Lukla, Trekking permits and TIMS Card, hotel bookings in Kathmandu etc. As ususal everything went well and we all had a great time.It is so good to be able to rely on someone like Bhakti to manage all the arrangements and know that everything will be done properly.
I am a bird watcher and Bhakti's knowledge of the animals and birds of Nepal is excellent. He can point out so many interesting things on the trek and this makes it all the more rewarding.
Martin J Naylor
I found Mr. Bhakti's contact from this forum and contacted him for discussion of our plan through the long long emails. I've also contacted several other guides but finally i chose him. I think his cost is reasonable and his plan and offer are very clear and suitable for us.
Since our flight was delayed for 4 hrs, we arrived at the airport at Kathmandu at midnight. However, the first guy we met after going out from the airport was Mr. Bahkti. He should wait for us for a long time at the airport.
During the trekking days, he and his team were professional and could take care of everyone of us. He could explain the route and plan to us in details everyday. If we got anything to ask about Nepal's culture, food, sightseeing etc. he could reply sincerely. He like to play with us but not just act as a guide, he palyed Nepalese music to us and dance with us when having dinner. It was really a memorable time during our trip.
After the trekking trip, we stayed in Pokhara, we just like frineds chatting and we visited his home. On the day we left, he and his son arrange the transport and come to the hotel to say "goodbye" to us. We really miss him and his team after the trip.

Mr. Bhakti (Black tea

Mr. Bhakti & Mr.Mama (we had a very nice time with the team!!)
Mr. Bhakti Ram Devkota
Tel.: +977-9846139572
我们一行4人往poon hill 6日5夜的行程,都是请Mr. Bhakti做我们的guide ,他和他两位porter, Mr. Hom and Mr. Mama 都非常专业,行程、住宿和膳食都安排妥当,而最后一天,旅程将完结时,他的团队更和我们一起玩尼泊尔的音乐和跳舞,而沿途他亦很照顾到我们每一个人。极力推荐!! 照片后补。
剛由尼泊爾trekking 回來~
之前在這裡找了不少guide 的資料 麻煩的我選了差不多10個
每個也傳email 先作聯絡 我的想法是 以email 聊一聊 看看各嚮導的回覆 才決定要選誰
其他的不是不好 可是不是回覆得比較慢就是英交不太靈光(我看不懂他們的回覆電郵內容呢!) 耍不然 就是價錢貴得驚人..
Bhatki回覆得很快 英文很好 而且很有交待得很清楚 行程安排也十分詳細價錢也合理 。
這次我用了9天完成了ABC trek, 除了Bhatki外,還有兩名porters : Mr.Hom 及 Bisheno
(Bhatki的弟弟,才27歲,蠻帥呢)。他們都很好呢。我們這些辦公室人士,不常運動卻去健行,途中經常遇上力有不及、步行困難的情況(特別是MBC及ABC 的雪山段) ,Mr.Hom 及 Bisheno都很好,經常照顧我們,更多時間是特意夜慢腳步,讓我們走在前面,他們在最後面作支援。後期大家熟稔起來,更會在休息時間主動手豆我們玩耍。唯一美中不足的是,他們的英文不太好,要聊天都要依靠Bhatki
Bhatki、Mr.Hom 及 Bisheno的團隊
By :- JAnice
剛由尼泊爾trekking 回來~
之前在這裡找了不少guide 的資料 麻煩的我選了差不多10個
每個也傳email 先作聯絡 我的想法是 以email 聊一聊 看看各嚮導的回覆 才決定要選誰
結果最後我選了Bhatki 其他的不是回覆得比較慢 就是英交不太靈光(我看不懂他們的回覆電郵內容呢喃!) 耍不然 就是價錢貴得驚人..
Bhatki 回覆得很快 英文很好 而且很有交待得很清楚 行程安排也十分詳細 價錢也合理 。

這次我用了9天完成了ABC trek, 除了Bhatki 外,還有兩名porters : Mr.Hom 及 Bisheno (Bhatki的弟弟,才27歲,蠻帥呢)。他們都很好呢。我們這些辦公室人士,不常運動卻去健行,途中經常遇上力有不及、步行困難的情況(特別是MBC 及ABC 的雪山段) ,Mr.Hom 及 Bisheno都很好,經常照顧我們,更多時間是特意夜慢腳步,讓我們走在前面,他們在最後面作支援。後期大家熟稔起來,更會在休息時間主動手豆我們玩 耍。唯一美中不足的是,他們的英文不太好,要聊天都要依靠Bhatki 翻譯,Bisheno也比較慢熱,相處了4天才開始熟起來。不過,作為porter的話,他們的表現是有過之而無不及。
原文載於: 背包客棧自助旅行論壇
至於Bhatki,網上也有好些對他的讚賞,他給我感覺是很真誠,整個旅程都很盡責,每事也安排妥當﹔人很細心謹慎,經常留意到客人需要,每事也三思而後 行;態度誠懇,他會言明利益衝突,讓我們自行衡量。我們相處了10多天,他很熱情,彼此建立了朋友般的關係,如果有機會再去尼泊爾健行的話,他必須是我的 首選。
Bhatki、Mr.Hom 及 Bisheno的團隊 專業是毋庸置疑,請大家也多多支持他呢.
Koen Dongelmans recommendation for Bhakti Devkota
telephone --------009779846139572 or
email -------------
Make sure to check out his Nepali website (in English of course :D)
Jonathan Deng and his friend Recommendation for Bhakti Devkota
登山健行, 雇用响導及Porter不可或缺, 別只貪圖便宜沒經驗的响導, 须知道在山區裡出現任何事故, 你需要一個有能力有智慧的人去幫你周全一切, 我們親歷的個案是在出發第一天, 行到一條吊橋前, 同伴的一雙舊鞋竟破口脫了膠底, 我一看心裡就涼了半截, 咕嘀山區中又怎可能買到一雙可靠的登山鞋, 沒鞋又怎樣走下去未來四天的路,
• 通過旅舍訂响導要先付訂金, 但尼泊爾的銀行汇錢難辦得很, 直接聯絡响導本人約定, (如不需別人代買機票, 辦登山證) 一般不收訂金, 只講信義。
• 我們在 forum 各師兄的推介下找到了 Bhakti, 價格US$20 /天, 跟其他的報價水平一樣, 不用收訂金, 我們5人同行, 每人US$4/天, 就這樣敲定了他, Bhakti 生性率真熱情, 愛開玩笑, 我們都不其然地被他感染起來, 每晚飯後檢討一天的行程時却又顯得額外嚴肅, 對山區內的一鳥一木都能如數家珍, 跟他說了數天, 學到不少旅遊書以外的知識,值得推介。
Bhakti Ram Devkota
Tel: 977 – 9846139572
• 請緊記, Porter都是隊伍成員, 除了英語外, 在山區裡他們懂的都比你我多, 主動跟他們談, 你會發覺他們都很熱情友善。!/media/set/?set=a.10150237626396079.361075.622686078