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Naturally Nepal once is not enough
Trekking Guide since 1997 collect a lot experience in Nepal Himalaya if you want some trekking in Nepal just mail me bhakti8848@gmail.com and give me call 009779846139572
Naturally Nepal once is not enough
Trekking Guide since 1997 collect a lot experience in Nepal Himalaya if you want some trekking in Nepal just mail me bhakti8848@gmail.com and give me call 009779846139572
See real Nepal with Bhakti
Nepal is one of the richest countries in the world in terms of bio-diversity due to its unique geographical position and altitude variation. The elevation of the country ranges from 60 meters above sea level to the highest point on earth, Mt. Everest at 8,848 meters, all within a distance of 150 kilometers resulting in climatic conditions from sub-tropical to arctic. This wild variation fosters an incredible variety of ecosystems, the greatest mountain range on earth, thick tropical jungles teeming with a wealth of wildlife, thundering rivers, forested hills and frozen valleys.
Within this spectacular geography is also one of the richest cultural landscapes anywhere. The country is a potpourri of ethnic groups and sub-groups who speak over 70 languages and dialects. Nepal offers an astonishing diversity of sightseeing attractions and adventure oppurtunities found nowhere else on earth. And you can join in the numerous annual festivals that are celevrated throughout the year in traditional style highlighting enduring customs and beliefs.
The most exhilarating titles with which Nepal has been admired and praised by various renowned travel writers in recognition of her cultural richness,
– Living cultural Museum
– Shangri-La
– Roof of the World
– Birth place of the Apostle of Peace
– Country of Living Goddess
– City of Golden Pagodas and Parasols
– Himalayan Pilgrimage
– Nature amphitheatre
– Melting pot of Hinduism and Buddhism
– A tiny Kingdom of 36 ethnic groups and 75 spoken languages
– Birth place of Sita
– Abode of Shiva
– Land of Mysticism & Exoticism
– Land of non-stop festivals
are explicit and self-explanatory. They tell the world about our incomparable & prosperous cultural heritage.
Nepal – occupying only 0.1% of the earth – is home to:
– 2% of all the flowering plants in the world
– 8% of the world’s population of birds (more than 848 species)
– 4% of mammals on earth
– 11 of the world’s 15 families of butterflies (more than 500 species)
– 600 indigenous plant families
– 319 species of exotic orchids
Martin , Bhuwan, Bhakti & Andy on the Throngla top(5416mtrs) world highest pass
Bhakti and my friend with Nepali Flag
Annapurna Base camp trip with mr Koen !!!!!!!!!!
Bhakti with a Annapurna maps
Pray for sun from Dhampus
BHAKTI AND KOEN in Annapurna Base camp
Moon rise on the Annapurna Base Camp
Bhakti in Annapurna Base camp celebrating picture
Bhakti and koen in the mirror
Bhakti on poon hill tower With annapurna himalaya range